Friday, April 30, 2010

How Libraries Stack Up

If you read this blog often, you've heard about the wide range of programs and materials we offer. But a new report from OCLC helps to put libraries' value in perspective. Did you know that:

  • 12,000 public libraries (including HCML) offer free Wi-fi? That's 1,000 more locations than Starbucks and over 10,000 more than Barnes & Noble and Borders.
  • Every day libraries lend out more DVDs than Netflix, and a million more DVDs than Redbox?
  • Every day U.S. libraries circulate as many materials as FedEx ships packages worldwide?

Read the full (2-page) report at:

If you're interested in helping us provide these services, visit our monthly Friends of Socastee Library meeting at 1:00 on Thursday, May 6. And tell a friend!


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Blockbuster Movies and the Books Behind Them

Entertainment Weekly's cover story last week is about the summer's biggest movies. You might be surprised to learn how many of them have literary beginnings. A book lover knows that a novel captures a richness and depth that's missing from most movies, and a movie lover knows that a great film can bring source material to life in surprising new ways. So be both: start now and you can read these before opening day!
  • Twilight: Eclipse -- based on the insanely popular books that need no introduction.
  • Eat, Pray, Love -- based on Elizabeth Gilbert's bestselling memoir, is "a celebrated writer’s irresistible, candid, and eloquent account of her pursuit of worldly pleasure, spiritual devotion, and what she really wanted out of life."
  • Sex and the City 2 -- the sequel to 2008's big hit continues with the characters from Candace Bushnell's series of novels.
  • Robin Hood -- read one of the many iterations, for kids or for adults.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Food for Thought -Again

I was asked once again to write another blog. I must have done an ok job with first blog if I am being asked to write a second one. Who knows?? The 1st blog that I wrote (well, the one and only blog I wrote) was about food – sort of. If you remember correctly I like food. I enjoy making food and I definitely enjoy eating food. We here at Socastee Library even have a patron who brings in cookies every other week. That’s right, every other week; 4 dozen delicious chocolate chip cookies get delivered to our branch. I swear the patron has to own stock in chocolate chips. How am I to lose weight working here?? I have NO will power.

So, In keeping with the “food” theme, I enjoyed reading another book: “Crepes by Suzette” by Monica Wellington. Yes, another children’s book about food. This one is about a young girl named Suzette who sells various types of crepes day and night throughout Paris. The best part about Crepes is the different varieties you can make plus they are very easy to make. My personal favorite crepe, of course, is with chocolate chips and whip cream. The possibilities are endless of the different crepes you can make. I am hungry just typing this blog. Funny how I mentioned the chocolate chip cookie lady and now I am talking about chocolate chip crepes-I guess there is a theme here. The book also included the recipe which convenient. No, I am not including the recipe here; you have to check out the book yourselves! (Bon Appétit): Below are my thoughts on crepes:

Can eat and enjoy morning, noon or night!

Refrigerate unused batter for up to 2 days.

Eat them with chocolate and whip cream (DELICIOUS!!).

Prepare them ahead of time and eat them later.

Eat them with chocolate and whip cream (it bears repeating).

Share w/your friends and family or NOT.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

One More Stop!

This coming Thursday, at 12:00 noon, we will host our final Cultural Safari of the year. We'll be touring France's Provence region and the French Riviera. It's sure to be a beautiful, relaxing trip.
Cultural Safari will resume in January 2011. In the meantime, all are welcome to join one of our four bookclubs. (See the online calendar here.) And watch this space for upcoming details about our Adult Summer Reading Program.
Finally, if your wanderlust can't wait until next January, why not take a trip yourself?

Monday, April 12, 2010

National Library Week

This is it! The most important week of all.* National Library Week is April 11-17 this year, and it's a great time to check out** the myriad resources your local library has to offer.

If you already use the library to check out books, did you know that we also offer thousands of DVD and VHS movies, both feature films and documentaries?

If you check out movies from the library, did you know we have music CDs and audiobooks?

If you bring your children to Preschool Storytime and Family Fun Nights, did you know that we also offer programs for adults like Cultural Safari, computer classes, book clubs and more?

In addition to the above, we also have art displays by local artists, free public computers with Internet access, over 50 magazines and newspapers for adults, teens and children, board games and puzzles, community information, job search and resume help, contests, clubs for knitting, Mah Jong, gardening, and much more.

And if you already use all of those library resources, remember that NLW is a great time for one other thing: spreading the word. If you have a friend, relative or neighbor who can benefit from something the library offers -- and that's everyone -- bring them with you next time!

*Though I may be biased.
**Pun intended.